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The Iteration of Internet – Web 2.0 to Web 3.0



13 Oct 2022


The invention of the internet and its subsequent advancements have significantly changed how the world operates today. While there have been many changes in the internet's functioning, we are at the cusp of the third revolution of how the internet works, which is giving rise to the need of Web3 development services.

Overall, it is an exciting time to be an IT professional or a business entrepreneur. It is primarily because both departments need to up their game and accommodate the new changes for the best results. 


Web 1.0 VS. Web 2.0 VS. Web 3.0 


Web 1.0 VS. Web 2.0 VS. Web 3.0


But, before starting with the new web, that is, Web 3.0, we must first understand the previous two changes on the internet.  

Now, much like software, the changes in the internet also come with versions. However, unlike software, no authority defines these changes and creates these names. Instead, the general consensus among the public leads to the coining of the term. So, minor changes do not make a cut. Instead, it is only when the internet changes significantly that people agree to call it an upgrade. 

Our Experts also hosted a webinar focusing on the subject. Here is the YouTube link to the live session that you can watch at your convenience. 



The Very First Form of the Internet – Web 1.0 

The first form of the internet, also known as Web 1.0, was the least interactive online experience. Here, the website owners added content users could access through their URLs. However, there were no provisions for user interactions on any of these portals. The read-only internet did not require or accept input from the readers.   

At that time, the option of email and real-time news updates were the features that captured users' attention. Users were content consumers who used the internet as a source of information.  

This internet relied on languages like HTML, gif, and JavaScript 1.0. 


The Upgrade That Made Internet More Interactive – Web 2.0 

Then came the revolution of Web 2.0. In this internet transformation, the website makers offered users platforms where they could post their content. The change made the internet more interactive and allowed users to become contributors on various platforms. The interactive version of the internet that we use and love today is the result of this transformation.  

Web 2.0 is currently in use. It offers users better control over their data and provides a read-write web.   

Web 2.0 can be described into three concepts which are:-   

  • Rich Internet Application (RIA)   
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)   
  • Social Web  

Web 2.0 offered higher user participation, allowed the concept of software as a Service (SaaS) to exist, and offered Network as a platform. The higher availability of broadband services also allowed mass participation in the Web 2.0 era, giving rise to a wider variety of users.  

Several bigger brands like Apple, Facebook, and other such companies could use the change to their advantage and create an excellent online reputation that resulted in revenue.  

The technology that could offer dynamic content per user preference allowed companies to target audiences through content that engaged them and led them to desirable actions.  

Here are some of the innovations that came about due to Web 2.0  

  • Use of open-source software   
  • Weblog publishing 
  • Rest or XML Webservices APIs   
  • Optimized search engine capability   
  • Rich internet application techniques   
  • HTML5   
  • Clean and meaningful URLs   
  • Web-Based Applications and Desktop Applications.   
  • XML & RSS 

Web 2.0 transformation has shaped how we use the internet today.


The Next-Gen of Internet Made Possible with Web3 Development Services 

Now, the world is moving toward Web 3.0  services. It is essentially an upgrade of Web 2.0 as it will give the users complete ownership of your products. It means the social media sites will have no rights to your content. It is an actual content-creators market. Moreover, the method of transactions will also change significantly with the inclusion of blockchain, NFTs vs cryptocurrencies, which will lead the traditional way of paying to obscurity.   

It is still a work in progress that aims to decentralize the internet and create an online experience that offers greater utility for its users. 


Defining features of Web 3.0:  

Some key features of Web 3.0:  


Web 3.0 Potential for Business Enterprises  

Here is how Web 3.0 creates value for enterprises.  

  • Transparency for B2B businesses   
  • Power to the end users in the social media industry   
  • Better marketing strategy for the sellers   
  • Smart IoT devices can help in the expansion of enterprises   
  • Reaching out to the target audience in the retail sector and e-commerce   
  • AI-based Chatbots and interoperability for clients and customers   
  • Blockchain technology for easing technical hassles and high-security

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) refers to an automated computer network organization model. It varies from the traditional websites, as a community has control over it rather than a single establishment like the government or a financial institution. Moreover, all the transaction records are maintained on a blockchain.  

The use of VR and AR, and the latest technologies like AI, ML, NFT, etc., also come under the purview of the role of we3.0 in the blockchain. The Internet of Things, combined with other technologies, will change the way people experience online experience once the use of Web 3.0 becomes the norm. 


The Best is Yet to Come 

While these changes have been highly intriguing, and specific generations have experienced all these, the best is still to come. However, not keeping up with the current needs and provisions of the internet will lead to the early demise of any organization. 


Final Thoughts – It is Time for Transformation 

The world is always hesitant to make changes, but a lack of innovation is a sure way of ensuing disintegration. Hence, businesses must find a way to keep transforming their operations for the best results.  

Including processes facilitating the transition to Web 3.0 is a step in the right direction. You will need the experience of a professional Web 3.0 Development Company for the job. So, get in touch with MoogleLabs today to understand how the transition can become the stepping stone to newfound revenue outlets for you. 

Innovate With Us for a Brighter Future by availing of our Web3 Development services today!   

Keep in touch with mooglelabs



13 Oct 2022

Sakshi’s intrigue with the latest technology and advancements, combined with the ability to string words together for maximum information in the least number of words helps her create impactful, meaningful, and useful content for all types of readers. In her leisure time, you will find her snuggled next to a blanket with a hot coffee and mystery book.

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